In the scope of the Healthy Pedagogy Investigation Project, currently under development at the Elementary Education Division of the Costa Rican National University’s (UNA) Center for Investigation and Teaching in Education (CIDE), this essay suggests a relationship between pedagogy and health, based on an ethical vision of caring. The authors propose the understanding of Healthy Pedagogy as a new node, which includes the concept of cohabitation and considers that all living creatures are fundamental for the fabric of life. The paradigm of caring is approached as a love relationship with ourselves, with others, and with all existence, facing the critical situation that both humanity and Mother Earth currently have, as an alternative to the aggression and destruction that threatens not only the planet and all living creatures, but the most basic interrelationships. From this perspective, the authors conclude that the ethics of caring represent a commitment towards the urgent construction of a world held together by affection, populated by people with the highest principles and which may guarantee the continuity and wellbeing of all living forms.References
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