The content of this document is derived from a broader research investigation[1]. Its purpose is to give an account of the nature of the content of the interventions of academic readers and the role they play in the training for the profession of researcher in doctorates in education. It is a multiple case study that retrieved 100 written reports from 9 readers, who work in three doctoral programs in education in the Center-West of Mexico, all of them with doctorate degrees. The analysis of the reports was done with a basis in the principles of content analysis. The findings reveal some traits of the researcher, certain clues to the profession such as providing new knowledge, explaining personal involvement with the object of study, attending to academic writing, problematizing, articulating, deploying epistemological surveillance, making affirmations with sustenance, among others. To a certain degree these identified traits are a reflection of the requirements of doing research.They are considered far from being merely the voice of a formal guideline or a research manual. The role of the reader goes beyond that, it is a true pedagogical mediation for the training of researchers, not always valued to the proper degree because there are academics who do it lightly, using it to show off to students, or to criticize peers for motives such as the playing of power games in a specific scientific field.
[1] The reported title of this research is "The Discourse of Academic Readers as Mediation in the Training of Postgraduate Researchers".
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