Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Challenges of the University of Costa Rica . Us: university
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How to Cite

Montero Mata, D. (2011). Challenges of the University of Costa Rica . Us: university. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 25(1), 151–153.


Will the University prepared and fulfilling the role that society needs? ", But is that perhaps we are not real part both teachers and administrative, of the same university, and we're not the part that gives life to the structure, the team and the organization itself?Our professor reminded Isaac Felipe Azofeifa (1991), mentions the phrase "save the being of man and culture is the challenge for the twenty-first century university," referring to the various hazardssuccumbs to which man, as the case of electronic civilization, genetic engineering, computing, and the fast-paced world, etc. Possibly this author evoked withthought the danger as mentioned, "Future Shock" andalso wanted to raise our awareness of trueeducators, when he said that "Education is humanizing."Today, you may get carried away by the current of the use of various media, to try to illustrateand decorate our class sessions, but forgetting theessential part of human contact.You may be thinking of the illustrious proper college, Don Rodrigo Facio, who claimed that the University does notshould grow more than ten thousand students, because we would lose humanism, care and staff training.The so-called teachers or academics, we should ratherbe the "facilitators" of the educational process, we must raise awareness of the great work and responsibility we have in our hands. Professor Alicia R. Sequeira (1995) of the School of Teacher Education, mentioned in the letter "ChallengesUniversity Teaching ", a list of things that I feelvery successful on the current state of the University. Betweenthem: the atmosphere of mistrust, uncertainty, lack of enthusiasm, individualism, lack of commitment and poorscientific production.No doubt, a reality that we must correct time and notpass up as we pass the mismanagement ofacademic units, and other university organizations, forit simple, not to express our thoughts and ideas, because in the end, we end up with frustration, discouragement, with the theory of "let go, let go" and which definitely leads to failure of our work as teachers or administrative not contribute efficiently in the training of future professionals.The future is uncertain for everyone and more to the University;what we sow, reap, in the future we will see the fruitsof our work to observe the performance of professionalin the various activities of national life.
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