Objective: Analyze the relationship between aerobic capacity and motor coordination. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with 163 schoolchildren in Spain between the ages of 6 and 9 in which the 20 m shuttle run or Course-Navette test was used to measure aerobic capacity and the GRAMI-2 Motor Test to measure motor coordination. Results: The Pearson's Correlation and MANOVA revealed that higher Course-Navette values corresponded to higher performances in the 30-m run, 4 x 9-m run, 7-m hop on one leg, step lunges and lateral jumps (p < 0.005, for all). No differences were observed in the shot put (p > 0.005). A linear regression test showed a significant relationship between aerobic capacity and better motor coordination (r = .344; p < 0.001) after sex and age adjustment. Age was also found to be associated with better motor coordination (r = .674; p < .001). Conclusion: There is a relationship between aerobic capacity and motor coordination with the exception of shot put in schoolchildren 6 to 9 years of age. A balanced approach that includes the development of both areas from a Physical Education standpoint may be beneficial in fostering better physical activity adherence among schoolchildren.
Cómo citar: Rosa-Guillamón, A., Carrillo-López, P.J. y García-Cantó, E. (2021). Capacidad aeróbica y coordinación motriz en escolares de primaria. Revista Educación, 45(2). Recuperado de http://doi.org/10.15517/revedu.v45i1.41509
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