Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Interactive Groups and Sustainability Training among Engineering Students
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Interactive Groups
Engineering Major
Sustainable Development
Sustainability Education
Grupos interactivos
Carrera de Ingeniería
Desarrollo Sostenible
Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible

How to Cite

Díaz García, J. I., & Chacón-Corzo, M. A. (2021). Interactive Groups and Sustainability Training among Engineering Students. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 45(2), 517–534.


The National Experimental University of Táchira (UNET) in Venezuela, conducted an Interactive Group (IG) analysis among ten students majoring in Environmental, Civil, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering participated while they were completing their graduation projects (Special Degree Projects (PEG)).  For purposes of the analysis, the students were asked to respond to various scripted questions to assess their experience as a member of the IG. The information analysis was qualitative and interpretive, that is, each informant response was examined, compared and interpreted in a cyclical and recursive process and were grouped together according to three categories: Participation and Learning Assessment from participating in the Interactive Group , Learning about Sustainability as an Engineering Major and the Relationship between Sustainability and Collaborative Group Work.  Based on the results, it can be affirmed that the IG analysis fostered shared learning and understand of the group´s commitment as engineers to protection our natural resources. College Engineering Instructors must aim at incorporating the principles of sustainability in their lessons in order so that the next generation of engineers will be imbued with a sense of awareness and respect for conservation of the planet. As a result, SIG proved to be an opportunity to leverage teamwork and shared learning regarding this current and relevant topic.
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Cómo citar

Díaz García, J.I. y Chacón-Corzo, M.A. (2021). Los Grupos Interactivos en la formación para la sostenibilidad del estudiantado de ingeniería. Revista Educación, 45(2). Recuperado de

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