This study was intended to determine the relationship between organizational culture and academic planning in basic education institutions. Organizational climate was evaluated by elements, categories and types of amending, whereas academic planning was measured on stages, principles and steps provided for its objectives. To achieve the established purpose, an exhaustive literature review was formed that allowed theoretically based research. Themes that were investigated included the theoretical- referential construction on revision history, analysis of theories, definition of concepts and related theoretical foundations. The type of research used was descriptive. Information was obtained through a questionnaire applied to the teaching and managerial staff of the basic education institutions under investigation. The analysis and interpretation of the results achieved were made in a quantitative manner through a computerized statistical package called SPSS version 12.0. It was able to determine that there is a high dependency ratio between organizational climate variables and academic planning, proving that academic planning is affected by elements, categories and types of organizational climate rulings in the basic institutions studied.References
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