Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

(Analysis of Structural and Administrative Status of the Playing Grounds of Urban Districts: Ulloa, San Francisco, Central Heredia, and Mercedes of the Central Canton, Province of Heredia)
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structural and administrative status
campos de juego
estado estructural y administración

How to Cite

Morera Castro, M. (2010). (Analysis of Structural and Administrative Status of the Playing Grounds of Urban Districts: Ulloa, San Francisco, Central Heredia, and Mercedes of the Central Canton, Province of Heredia). Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 34(2), 153–182.


The purpose of this investigation is to analyze the factors that influence the structural and administrative statuses of playgrounds in four urban districts of Central County in the province of Heredia. In this mixed, predominantly quantitative investigation, a sample of 40% of the one hundred playgrounds under study was analyzed by using three instruments: a form for structural condition assessment, a structured interview and pictorial collection. The playground general state is affected by aspects such as waste, lack of trashcans and lighting among others. In these playgrounds, the diversity of equipment is scarce and the most common damage found was rust. Maintenance was provided in most cases by the community itself or the Municipality of Heredia, and maintenance plans were scarce or nonexistent. The playgrounds are currently unsafe spaces that have hazards such as structured corrosion, sharp edges and damaged equipment. The existing playgrounds require immediate attention from relevant authorities and the majority of these structures do not meet the goal of their creation.
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