Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Team Roles According to Belbin's Theory and Their Relationship with Student Performance in Civil Engineering: A Literature Review
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Group Teaching
Learning Methods
Pedagogical Innovation
Civil Engineering
Higher Education
Enseñanza en grupo
Métodos de aprendizaje
Innovación pedagógica
Ingeniería Civil
Educación superior

How to Cite

García Ramírez, Y. D. (2024). Team Roles According to Belbin’s Theory and Their Relationship with Student Performance in Civil Engineering: A Literature Review. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 48(2), 1–19.


The field of civil engineering necessitates the development of effective teamwork skills among professionals, a process facilitated by higher education. This study critically reviews the literature on the application of the Belbin team roles model in civil engineering student teams and its impact on academic performance. A systematic review was conducted using academic databases, focusing on studies that employed the Belbin questionnaire in civil engineering and examined its relationship with student performance from 2000 to 2023. The findings indicate that further research is needed at the undergraduate level, where the relationships between team roles and performance were weak or inconsistent, particularly in balanced or unbalanced teams. Conversely, at the postgraduate level, the results were more robust, with specific roles (Plant, Teamworker, Completer/Finisher) showing a correlation with performance and a positive perception of the questionnaire. This review is pertinent for university professors aiming to enhance teamwork skills and highlights areas for future research in this domain.
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