Objective. This study aimed to examine the relationships between social media addiction, loneliness and fear of missing out among university students in Turkey. Method. The sample group of the study consisted of a total of 466 students comprised 239 males (51%) and 227 females (49%), of which 83 were freshmen, 131 were sophomores, 98 were juniors, and 154 were senior students. Results. The study showed that there is a positive relationship between social media addiction and loneliness and that the fear of missing out mediates this relationship. The findings were evaluated in the context of Self-Determination Theory and contributed to understanding of the impact of these relationships on students' psychological needs. Conclusion. The findings provide an important basis for the development and implementation of practical psycho-educational programs for students. Such programs are crucial in helping students to consciously manage their social media use and improve their emotional well-being.
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