Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Development of the First Defense of Applied Research Final Thesis for the Master's Degree Conducted in the Metaverse in Costa Rica
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Virtual Reality
Information Technologies
Realidad virtual
Tecnologías de información

How to Cite

Obando Zambrano, B. S. (2024). Development of the First Defense of Applied Research Final Thesis for the Master’s Degree Conducted in the Metaverse in Costa Rica. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 48(2), 1–16.


This research describes the fundamental aspects to consider when developing the defense of an Applied Research Work in the Metaverse. To achieve this goal, topics such as the costs associated with implementing such activities and the hardware, software, and connectivity requirements necessary for successfully conducting activities in the Metaverse are explored. The methodology adopted for this purpose is descriptive with a mixed approach. Drawing on the defense of the Final Applied Research Work conducted in the Metaverse in June 2023, associated with the postgraduate program in Information and Communication Technologies for Organizational Management at the University of Costa Rica, this pilot test demonstrated the feasibility of using these technologies in educational environments. It has emerged as an innovative tool for creating sessions for presenting university work in the Metaverse. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of considering aspects such as the effects of prolonged use of virtual reality, physiological impacts, and device design details. Finally, it underscores the need to establish new regulations that provide a clear protocol for the use of virtual reality and the Metaverse in academic settings. These regulations aim to encourage and effectively guide the use of these technologies at an academic level, ensuring their integration is both effective and responsible.
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