This essay presents a literature about some of the most remarkable origins of nursing in today's people’s Republic of ChinaThe main objectives around this topic were pursued to describe the socio-historical development of nursing in the culture of
the people's Republic of China, specifically identify their origins as a discipline in the culture, to distinguish the influence of
Chinese cultural patterns in the development of the nursing labor practice, and finally show the advance of nursing as a
discipline from China vision against nowadays world vision. At the same time, for data collection sources were used journal
articles on nursing, web pages about Chinese culture, reference books and an interview with a professional exmember of the
Chinese government with extensive knowledge about this culture. Both the Foundation of Chinese philosophical tradition of
Taoism and aesthetics in combination with western science will be important for future developments in nursing research
and educational patterns of Chinese society, being altogether exemplary in terms of its development, expansion, planning
and establishment in the general population. Henceforth was concluded that Chinese philosophies and religions have
strongly influenced the way they live and think about the health and care within Chinese society
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