Background: The objective of this article is to present the best available evidence in relation to the development of nursing home visits, made to elderly, with a focus on health promotion and disease prevention for the improvement in self-care . The aging population in Costa Rica and worldwide, as a result of advances in socioeconomic and sanitary conditions, has led to the need for care of elderly individuals that allow maintaining or improving the quality of life.
Method: as a research was used method based on the evidence, which part of a clinical question; in terms of the data, a literature search in the databases EBSCO, ProQuest and PubMed data was performed, and then run a critical reading of the FLC 2.0.
Results: Was obtained a total of 58 items, whose critical reading was selected six presented the best evidence.
Conclusion: We concluded that older adults receiving home care nurse from an approach to health promotion and disease prevention improve self-care.
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