Nursing Journal in Costa Rica ISSN electrónico: 1409-4568

The power in gender relations from the perspective of women
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salud mental

How to Cite

Martínez Esquivel D. The power in gender relations from the perspective of women. Enferm. Actual Costa Rica (en línea) [Internet]. 2014Oct.7 [cited 2024Oct.19];(27). Available from:


Introduction. Power is determined by interpersonal relationships so, both, men and women, have power. However, the power in the system of women is diminished by the culture and values of our society causing inequality and inequity; it directly affects their mental health by decreasing their social participation and social empowerment.

Method. This research seeks to answer what is the influence of power in gender relations of a group of women? To answer this problem this research is a qualitative phenomenological investigation, a convenience sample was taken, the data was collected through focus group technique and analyzed from an interpretative approach performing a triangulation between theory, the information obtained and the position of the researcher.

Result. The primary function that the system of women is domestic work, however, has opportunities for education and work. Decision making is limited to home and faces people who have a lower role. Relationships are good provided that it exercises a role of wife and mother socially accepted.

Conclusion. The system has power but women is determined by culture, women still suffer the power of domination of patriarchal society so their development opportunities are diminished and social roles of women are determined by their class, their position in the family system, education and economic output
Costa Rica-PDF (Español (España))


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