Introduction. The objective of this research is to describe electrolyte abnormalities associated with the methods used for preoperative bowel cleansing in children and identify what is safer. This lies in the importance of maintaining the correct balance of electrolytes and that significantly influence the results of surgery and are very important in perioperative patient care aspect.
Method. This research is from the years 2009 to 2013 with a population of 172 admissions of children with colorectal surgery scheduled. Quantitative, non-cross experimental and retrospective. It was considered as variables socio demographic dimensions, such as gender, age, weight, diagnosis, type of surgery, intestinal cleansing applied, electrolyte disturbances with respect to sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, and acid-base respectively, as well as intravenous solution used .For analysis data used SPSS software.
Result. Five were intestinal cleaning methods used in the study time enemas and irrigations with saline plus neomycin 0.25%, oral phosphosoda, saline by SNG and polietilenglycol. The most used was the oral phosphosoda (n = 46) with children from more than 10 000grs. Preoperative hospital stay intended for bowel cleansing is three days. Which results in a quite expensive for the health system practice, the family and patient despite being question its usefulness.
Conclusion. It is important to adapt the intestinal cleansing iatrogenic each child, consider the weight, diet and its attendant surgical process pathologies in this way and according to the results can determine the safest way to prevent alterations method which children may be more likely.
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