Nursing Journal in Costa Rica ISSN electrónico: 1409-4568

Análisis del entrenamiento de técnicas de relajación para el manejo del estrés, impartido por enfermería, en una población con VIH-Sida: estudio de caso único.
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training in relaxation
quality of live
frequency of stress and magnitude of stress
entrenamiento en relajación
calidad de vida
frecuencia del estrés y magnitud del estrés.

How to Cite

Leiva Díaz V, Alfaro Castro J, Soto Soto NH. Análisis del entrenamiento de técnicas de relajación para el manejo del estrés, impartido por enfermería, en una población con VIH-Sida: estudio de caso único. Enferm. Actual Costa Rica (en línea) [Internet]. 2008Apr.1 [cited 2024Jul.17];(14). Available from:


This article presents the results of a study that there evaluated the effect of the intervention of nursing respect of your training in skills of easing for the managing of the stress in a population with HIV-AIDS. Three operational dependent variables were defined: frequency of the stress, magnitude of the stress and quality of life. A scale was developed for the measurement of those variables. It was applied in different phases of the study: at baseline, during intervention and at follow-up; the first phase lasted six weeks and the other two lasted four weeks each one. We used a quantitative methodology of the only case A-B, cuasi experimental design. Four persons with HIV-AIDS were included. They were residents of the "Hoy por tí" Foundation; their ages range is between the 37 and 52. The results indicate that the intervention based on the utilization of the easing for the managing of the stress helps the persons who live with HIV-AIDS. The obtained information suggests that the easing is an effective method for the reduction of stress, the levels of anxiety and depression, which can result in an improvement in the integrity of the immunological system. It also has positive aspects relevant to an increase in the quality of life. On the other hand, the most effective strategy depends on each person, since every being human beings is unique and individual.
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