The objective of this study was to identify the characteristics of the work of the professionals of the Prehospital Mobile Care Services. This is an integrative review of a descriptive character, carried out in the Virtual Health Library, with original articles, available in the whole, in Portuguese language, published between the years 2010 and 2016, which met the proposed objective. We found 247 articles, which went through three stages of analysis, resulting in the inclusion of 09 articles. The articles included on the characteristics of the Mobile Pre-Hospital Care Service, where there was a predominance of research carried out in the Mobile Emergency Care Service of the different regions of the country. The discussion was divided in three topics to better organize the findings: profile of the professionals, main difficulties encountered in the work and particularities of care. It is concluded that the majority of the professionals and victims attended are male, there is a greater predominance of nursing technicians, the main difficulties are related to occupational stress, lack of knowledge of the population, difficulty of communication and professional devaluation and Regarding the occurrences, the highest incidence is those of clinical and traumatic origins.
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