Nursing Journal in Costa Rica ISSN electrónico: 1409-4568

Surgical safety checklist: knowledge and challenges for the surgical center team
Brasil (Português (Brasil))

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How to Cite

Santos EA, Domingues AN, Helena Appoloni Eduardo A. Surgical safety checklist: knowledge and challenges for the surgical center team. Enferm. Actual Costa Rica (en línea) [Internet]. 2019Dec.2 [cited 2024Jul.17];(38). Available from:


The aim of this study was to identify the knowledge of health professionals about the Surgical Safety Checklist, the challenges and strategies for its implementation in a public hospital. This is a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional research. Held between April and May 2017, it comprised the completion of a questionnaire about the knowledge and perceptions of the Safe Surgery Protocol by professionals working in the operating room. Data were analyzed considering descriptive statistics. 72 professionals participated in the study, including nursing technicians, nurses, doctors and instructors, most knew the Protocol and objectives. The lack of adherence of the team was the main challenge encountered by this team to use this protocol. They pointed out important strategies that could possibly subsidize the implementation of the tool in the institution. The study hypothesis was confirmed, as it was found that professionals have knowledge about the Checklist and recognize it as a tool that ensures the quality of care during the perioperative period, and list the main challenges for its implementation.
Brasil (Português (Brasil))


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