Nursing Journal in Costa Rica ISSN electrónico: 1409-4568

Brazilian nursing asks for help
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HTML Brasil (Português (Brasil))

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working conditions
gender and health
public health
condiciones de trabajo
género y salud
salud pública
condições de trabalho
gênero e saúde
saúde pública

How to Cite

Souza Júnior EV de, Silva Filho BF da, Souza Átila R, Souza RS, Trindade LES, Sawada NO. Brazilian nursing asks for help. Enferm. Actual Costa Rica (en línea) [Internet]. 2020Nov.19 [cited 2024Dec.18];(40). Available from:


This essay aims to reflect and increment the dissemination of the current panorama of Brazilian Nursing with a view to sensitizing society, organs, entities and the professional category. This essay was developed through the analysis of articles and legal documents selected at random in the research platforms in order to theoretically support the results discussed here. After years of struggle without significant advances, the passivity of the professionals certainly needs to be reduced and contradicted by the conceptions of charitable and subservient Nursing. Thus, the subjects involved must actively and emancipating assume the responsibility to fight in defense of the profession and all those who benefit from it. It is suggested that Brazilian Nursing intensify the political-participatory position in claiming movements and occupy decision-making spaces to fight for the category. In this way, the profession will be strengthened and, consequently, will culminate in its valorization and better working conditions, positively implying in the assistance actions.
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