Nursing Journal in Costa Rica ISSN electrónico: 1409-4568

Practical contributions of the nursing process in traumatic brain injury: An integrative review
PDF (Português (Brasil))


Craniocerebral Trauma
Critical Care
Nursing Care
Nursing Process
Atención de Enfermería
Cuidados Críticos
Pacientes Internos
Proceso de Enfermería
Traumatismos Craneocerebrales
Traumatismos craniocerebrais
Pacientes internados
cuidados críticos
Cuidados de enfermagem

How to Cite

Cruz Neto J, Lisboa KW de SC, Pinto S de L. Practical contributions of the nursing process in traumatic brain injury: An integrative review. Enferm. Actual Costa Rica (en línea) [Internet]. 2022May24 [cited 2024Dec.19];(43). Available from:


Introduction: Traumatic brain injury is a disabling event of worldwide importance with significant morbidity and mortality worldwide.

Objective: The aim was to analyze the international scientific evidence on the nursing process of caring for adult patients with traumatic brain injury.

Method: This was an integrative review conducted from February to March 2020 in six databases. The descriptors "hospitalized patients", "critical care", "nursing care", "nursing process", "traumatic brain injury" and "multiple traumatic brain injury" were matched through the Boolean operators AND/OR. The studies were analyzed through a data reduction method: they were contrasted with each other. This in turn generated the synthesis.

Results: The results highlight the hemodynamic monitoring, the application of the Glasgow coma scale, and the update of a care package as part of the nursing process. Furthermore, the results also highlight the need to develop nursing diagnoses and interventions.

Conclusion: There is a gap regarding the formulation of nursing diagnoses and interventions linked to the nursing process, as well as the description of the ideal parameters to be checked when monitoring patients.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2022 João Cruz Neto, Kenya Waléria de Siqueira Coelho Lisboa, Sarah de Lima Pinto


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