Introduction: In the last decade, the increase in HIV/AIDS cases among adolescents and young people highlights the challenges faced by public health management. The taboo imposed by society on the subject hinders their access to health services and professionals, in addition to hindering communication between parents and children about HIV/ AIDS.
Objective: To understand how parents and children approach HIV/AIDS during adolescence and youth.
Methodology: Descriptive and exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, with family members linked to the primary care network of a small municipality in southern Brazil. Data collection was conducted between November and December 2021, with audio-recorded interviews and subsequent transcription using the NVivo Release version 1.1.6® software. The content analysis followed the Bardin method, comprising the stages of pre-analysis, material exploration, and data categorization.
Results: The participants were eleven family members, mothers of adolescents, aged between 30 and 50 years. The following discussion categories emerged from the interviews: "Current knowledge about HIV/aids", "The approach to HIV/aids within the family", and "Who is responsible for the sexual education of our children?".
Conclusion: Families face difficulties in the approach and dialogue due to the lack of reliable information and the presence of deep-rooted beliefs and fears. It is essential to promote openness and encourage dialogue, highlighting the importance and need for health services in guiding the population.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Camila Moraes Garollo Piran, Camila Siqueira Floresta Lehmkuhl, Beatriz Sousa da Fonseca, Bianca Machado Cruz Shibukawa, Lara Marcondes de Oliveira, Maria de Fátima Garcia Lopes Merino, Marcela Demitto Furtado, Sonia Silva Marcon