This article presents the main results of the implementation of an educational program for the preventionand management of violence in public schools by teachers of first and second cycle, the program was taught by
the School of Nursing at the University of Costa Rica, with a total of 40 hours from January to February 2011. We
used various teaching strategies based on the educational needs of this group of teachers, which were shown in a
previous study and application of a needs assessment. Attended by 33 teachers, 32 women and one man. Of the
participants, 30 completed the program. The main results are as follows: participants were able to acquire, build
or improve their knowledge about the prevention and treatment of school violence, and also learned various
techniques and strategies for prevention and control of violence in schools. It is concluded that success in
achieving the goals set for each of the sessions is directly related to the fact that the entire educational program
stuck to the educational needs expressed by the participating population and its characteristics as teachers, using
principles of andragogy, which allowed understanding learning as a knowledge sharing among stakeholders
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