ESCENA. Revista de las artes ISSN electrónico: 2215-4906

Film as mirror of postmodern spiritual crisis.
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arte trascendental
estilo cinematográfico
transcendental art
cinematographic style.

How to Cite

Cruz García, A. (2015). Film as mirror of postmodern spiritual crisis. ESCENA. Revista De Las Artes, 74(2), 21–36. Retrieved from


The quest for connection with the spiritual dimension of existence persists as one of the vital concerns of the human being since the dawn of history. This need manifests itself in the major role that religionhas assumed within the human collectives. Nonetheless, in the heat of Modernity, reason has progressively displaced religious faith as the guiding principle for individual and social progress. The loss of influence of the narrative par excellence that has attended the spiritual inquietudes of society, translates in Postmodernity in an existential anxiety that impregnates all of its cultural creations, including cinema. This form of artistic expression, with its outstanding power of representation of life, offers a way for creators with the most diverse personalities and visions, to address this spiritual distress that marks
the postmodern individual. From the fantastic-mythological commercial productions of Guillermo del Toro, to the most poetic formalist proposals of Bresson, Tarkovski and Dreyer, through the visceral provocations of Gaspar Noé, cinema presents itself as a mean with unlimited possibilities to apprehend
the preoccupations of human beings in an era in which dissociation between earthly passions and the transcendent dimension of life is more evident than ever.
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