ESCENA. Revista de las artes ISSN electrónico: 2215-4906

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Mayan law
conflict resolution
social drama
inter-comunal politics
derecho maya
resolución de conflictos
drama social
política intracomunal

How to Cite

Flores, C. Y. (2024). Español. ESCENA. Revista De Las Artes, 84(1), 43–68.


Given the systemic weakness of the state justice system, popular courts coordinated by local mayors have become common in indigenous towns in western Guatemala to prosecute criminals or alleged criminals as a community and apply some type of sanction under the so-called Mayan law with the ultimate goal of to reintegrate them into the social body after their public repentance. Such court proceedings, known locally as suk' b'anik (correction/righting), take place within their own cultural understandings, often offering spectacular, highly ritualized choreography for local public consumption in the first place. This article is based on the follow-up of a study case prosecuted by Mayan law in Santa Cruz del Quiché and seeks to deepen the analysis of the mobilization of logic, gestures and collective emotions through representation and circulation mechanisms -among them the video- operating under visual regimes of truth/power within conflicting social fields.
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