Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Theory of the State in the Foundations of Philosophy of Law of Hegel
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espíritu objetivo
voluntad general
objective spirit
general will
totalizing State


The content of the present article deals with the State Theory as a central theme of Fundaments of the Philosophy of Law from Hegel. It comprehends four points: first, the law as a manifestation of the objective spirit, second, the concept of State, third, the power of the Prince and four, the conjunction of the three powers in relation with International Law. The first point explains how the social life is the only state where law finds its reality. The second one is called the cult for the State because of being the civil society the one that perfects the State and its ethic substance. Then, the state and law are inherently linked and both represent the fulfillment of the aspirations of man that supply all its spiritual reality. The political leader emanates the concrete personality of the State and the concept of sovereign in the level of reality that can only be represented in the figure of the government. This reasoning leads one of the strongest criticisms to Hegelian political thought: serving is a plataform for totalizing, non-totalitarian power. However, this difference is that the first unlike the tyranny –is immersed in the intrinsic movement of the universal history which is dialectical.
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