Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Own and foreign art wonderful fusion
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Rojas Zeledón, I. (2015). Own and foreign art wonderful fusion. Revista Estudios, (31), 346–359.


Latin American artist of the early twentieth century, seen in the dialectic between own and foreign art. Some people made a wonderful fusion of these two influences that became great art. Primitivism will be the starting point for rediscovering the art itself, first by some artists as Paul Gaughin, as a way to rebel against the established art system during the eighteenth and ninth centuries. The Latin American music scene is going to be influenced by this primitive current, represented in this article by the compositions of Mexicans, Carlos Chavez and Silvestre Revueltas and Brazilian, Heitor Villa-Lobos. The success of these artists settled in clear enriched musical roots, know them, live them and feel them at the time they get in touch with foreign music. Thanks to them the Latin American musical direction changed up to this day.
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