Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Argelia: el difícil equilibrio
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Zeraoui, Z. (2016). Argelia: el difícil equilibrio. Revista Estudios, (22), 221–239.


The work "Algeria: the tough equilibrium" focuses, taking the reelection of president Bouteflika in 2009 as starting point, on analyzing the Algerian political system and, particularly, the traditional role the army has played as referee of the national political life since the revolutionary process, as well as the tough equilibrium that the current Chief of State has achieved while facing both the Islamic radicalism and the power groups of the country. Also, the work seeks to understand the role that the North African country plays as part of the Mediterranean Basin and especially in relation with the European Union and the neighboring countries. The relationship with Morocco bears a particular importance, one that has determined significant part of the Algerian exterior policy and its regionals.
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