Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Missions, evangelization and the New World, XVI-XVII centuries: a Histori-ographical Overview to Re-think the Missionary World
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New World
World history
XVI-XVII centu-ries
Nuevo Mundo
siglos XVI-XVII

How to Cite

Sánchez Solano, E. (2016). Missions, evangelization and the New World, XVI-XVII centuries: a Histori-ographical Overview to Re-think the Missionary World. Revista Estudios, (32), 341–376.


Abstract: The following article aims to make a historiographical overview on missions in the New World during the XVIth-XVIIth centuries. Because of it, the article takes into consideration the different colonial experiences throughout the continent and the new approaches that have had the subject. In view of the foregoing, there will be analyzed, on the one hand, the academic production that has focused on missions from the perspective of the World history and, on the other, it will be deepened on the predominant approaches in case studies from a regional outlook, which can be synthesized in two main trends: 1) the studies on the link between missions, colonialism and the emergence of Ameri-can societies, related to the Hispanist historiography; and 2) the studies focused on the dynamics missions-colonial frontiers from the perspective of the notion of “agency”, prevailing in the US academic field. Finally, this paper proposes new paths of research related to missions and its role into the modern world making-process.
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