The article discusses the early poetic creations on the "Story of Li and Yang", the romance between Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty and his concubine Yang Guifei. It analyzes the different perspectives on this issue in some works of the three great poets of Tang: Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi. The transformations of the "Story…" remind the different facets of the "puppet within the system of culture" as the semiotician Yuri Lotman defines the "cultural object". The puppet serves as a toy, a model and finally as a work of art. Bai Juyi’s creation on the "Story ..." is crucial because he takes it up and engages it in a literary game, in order to save it from oblivion and give it a new life. Through numerous poems, he manages to recreate the romance in a multifaceted way and trace a path to immortality for its two protagonists.
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