Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

The Impact of the Chinese Revolution of 1911 in Spain: Three Particular Cases
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Revolution of 1911
Xinhai Revolution
Yuan Shikai
Republic of China
Franscican missionaries
diplomatic relations between Spain and China
Rio Tinto Company
Revolución de 1911
Revolución Xinhai
Yuan Shikai República de China
Misioneros Franciscanos
Rio Tinto
Relaciones diplomáticas España-China


The revolution of 1911 was one of the major geopolitical changes of recent centuries. Its impact, although apparently not seem to make a condition of the flow of history, reached the most remote spots of the globe. In this article, through original sources from the General Archive of the Administration of Spain (AGA), we studied three claims of Spanish citizens against the government of the new born Republic of China because of the damages suffered during the Revolution. In three different parts of China, at three different moments of the Revolution and affecting three different characters: a businessman, two workers and a missionary. Through this documentation we cover the period of government of Yuan Shikai (1911-1916), analyze the attitude of the Western powers towards China, the diplomatic weakness of the Spanish consular authorities and the magnitude of the historical changes that the Xinhai Revolution was practising
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