Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Military Modernization in China
PDF (Español (España))


Military Modernization
National Defense
Military Industry
Military Spending
Modernización Militar
Defensa Nacional
Industria Militar
Gasto Militar

How to Cite

Picos Benítez, M. A. (2016). Military Modernization in China. Revista Estudios, (33), 816–853.


This paper explains some of the most important processes through the Chinese army has passed, as well as the industry dedicated to the arms production in China. The People's Republic of China after reaching economic stability in the late 1990s refocused its military modernization policies, to be able to measure with the most powerful ones in the world, leaving behind the mass army to make way for the era of computerization and Cyberwar. To understand this process is essential to study the situation in the early years of the Republic, through the era of the Four Modernizations to the National Defense White Papers and other policies related to the modernize China's military industry.
PDF (Español (España))


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