Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

The tree as a hierophany and the basis of sexuality in indigenous myths
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Popol Vuh
Popol Vuh


Some trees are hierophanies manifestations. In this study of indoamerican mythology will be analyzed, mainly, etiological myths, related with the tree, which is going to reveal the sexuality background between the sacred and profane, and where sacrifice has a primordial aspect. Through many mythics motifs it will show that trees figure in the origin time (as founders of humanity) and the ending times, as it happens with nahuas and the archetype tree of Chichihualcuauhco (mammas tree), which nourished the dead babies. Some trees have had sexual relations with human beings and by this way some dwarfs have been born (as Catorce Fuerzas)or the generation has been preserved, as in the Pop Wuj, after a sacrifice, when Hun-Hunahpú´s head (as jicara tree) makes pregnant the young Ixquic. These numinous characteristics will permit to establish parallelisms between different myths, for example, the event mentioned of Pop Wuj, according to the pregnancy of Virgin Mary.
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