Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Look the political subject from the philosophical anthropology: Diversity and political practical
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political actors
political subject
philosophical anthropology
political practices
actores políticos
sujetos políticos
antropología filosófica
prácticas políticas

How to Cite

Saborit Valdes, K. C. (2018). Look the political subject from the philosophical anthropology: Diversity and political practical. Revista Estudios, (37).


The article refers to one of the problems facing the current Latin American scenario, the role of the political subject in the construction of national spaces and projects in a socio-cultural context marked by different policies. As the participation of man - both individually and collectively - in the field of politics is related to cultural, ethnic, demographic, economic, sociopolitical, gender in general, the objective of this work is to assess the role played by various political subjects from a Philosophical Anthropology vision at present. The bibliographical revision, the historical-logical method and the documentary analysis allow verifies that, the problematic object of study is important in the process of political transformation that the countries live. Critical analyzes are offered that help to rethink the political subject in his own process of reconstruction of himself with his identity and cultural characteristics.
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