Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

The monsters in the Costa Rican legends
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How to Cite

Alvarado Vega, Óscar. (2019). The monsters in the Costa Rican legends. Revista Estudios, 229–242.


The monstrosity is one of the issues that has addressed the literature, although in the Costa Rican events little has been theorized regarding this. The legends in our country have had an important foothold, so having the possibility to address the emergence or appearance of the monster from the perspective of these tries to become one of the first approaches that, with respect to this, aims the discussion or boarding of this article. The monstrous as a supernatural manifestation, to the margin of the moral, attached or not, to this discursive approach.
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Gil Calvo, Enrique (2006). “Monstruos”, en Máscaras masculinas. Héroes, patriarcas y monstruos. Barcelona: Anagrama. Páginas 284-363.

Kapler, Claude. (2004). Monstruos, demonios y maravillas. A fines de la Edad Media. Madrid: Akal

Martín Alegre, Sara (2000). Monstruos al final del milenio.

Mora, José Antonio (2007). Los monstruos y la alteridad. Hacia una interpretación crítica del mito del monstruo. Heredia: EUNA

Ocampo Ramírez, Gloria Inés. (2013). De la monstruosidad a la alteridad en la obra de Diane Arbus. Trilogía. Nº 8: 19-28.

Zeledón Cartín, Elías (compilador). (1989). Leyendas costarricenses. San José, Costa Rica: Museo de Cultura Popular.



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