The article explores part of the scope of University Community Work in the Diriá National Park and surrounding communities. This TCU has opened a range of possibilities that are truly vital, dynamic and effective because, while they preserve, they also generate a space for reflection and academic and systematic inter-institutional study. There, the University Community Work (TCU) represents an active form of the University - Society relationship, in which students experience an approach not only to the National Park itself, its problems and natural wealth, but also a direct relationship with the La Esperanza, Colas de Gallo and Vista del Mar communities, between others.
The social action developed by the University of Costa Rica in the aforementioned communities and in the National Park Diría by the TCU, has been fundamental not only to improve behavioral changes and knowledge regarding the protected areas related to their protection, valuation and care on the part of the communities but also that the activities and development of the project contribute to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the communities
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