Aurenthal, a novel published by Luis Ricardo Rodríguez in 1991, has many features that could be considered part of the fantastic. However, a close inspection reveals that there are innovative narrative devices in its pages, from the actual story to the stylistic resources used to tale it. From the theoretical proposals of Todorov and Tolkien, as well as Baum’s stylistic considerations, this work analyze the novel looking for its place in the fantastical and the marvelous theory, and in the interpretative possibilities of its narrative devices
Baum, Lyman Frank (1996). The Wonderful Wizard of OZ. New York: Dover Publications..
Rodríguez, L. R. (1991). Aurenthal. San José: Farben.
Todorov, T. (1972). Introducción a la literatura fantástica. Buenos Aires: Tiempo Contemporáneo.
Tolkien, J. (2002). Sobre los cuentos de hadas. En J. Tolkien, Árbol y hoja (págs. 11-100). Barcelona: Minotauro.