Adult Costa Ricans have a perception regarding a link between video games and violence (e.g., in the form of mass shootings). The author collected the opinion of 111 individuals through the distribution of an online questionnaire. A good 37 % of the cohort responded that this form of digital entertainment does cause mass shootings; moreover, 51 % of the subjects agreed that video games motivate a violent conduct in people, specifically children and teenagers. In other words, the answers show that the studied population generally have a negative perception regarding the use of video games by young individuals; however, people are not inclined to blame video games for acts of violence such as mass shootings
Burgess, T. F. (2001). A general introduction to the design of questionnaires for survey research (1.1st ed.). Leeds: University of Leeds.
YouGov. (2013). Effect games have on players. Recuperado de http://cdn.yougov.com/cumulus_uploads/document/lgbzywwtaf/YG-Archive computer-games- results-030913.pdf