Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Adolescence and religiosity in the XXI century: a reflection from educational psychology
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Adolescence; radicalization; religion; education; peace culture; neopentecostalism.
Adolescencia; radicalización; religión; educación; cultura de paz; neopentecostalismo.

How to Cite

de Mézerville López, C. M. (2019). Adolescence and religiosity in the XXI century: a reflection from educational psychology. Revista Estudios, (38), 251–265.


This paper presents a reflection about the psychology of neopentecostal or charismatic religiosity and its potential impact over the adolescent brain on their developmental stage of constructing one’s identity. Potential benefits of the experience of faith are described, as well as risky manifestations of religious experience when it becomes radicalized, including problems such as overidentification, moral superiority and evangelistic colonization. The role of the educational setting is defended in the development of critical skills for a citizenship committed with a culture of peace, as well as the importance of the the adolescent’s moral development, based on principles such as empathy, freedom of faith and social justice. environment on
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