Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

A particular cultural learning process: social identifications, the way they function, their structure, performance and importance within social engineering projects.
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social engineering; social identification process; cultural learning; cultural studies; neuropsychology and studies on affectivity.
ingeniería social; proceso de identificación social; aprendizaje cultural; estudios culturales; neuropsicología y estudios sobre la afectividad.

How to Cite

Castillo Víquez, A. E. (2019). A particular cultural learning process: social identifications, the way they function, their structure, performance and importance within social engineering projects. Revista Estudios, (38), 266–294.


Cultural learning is often spoken of, however, there are many gaps in how it occurs and when. Social identification is one of these processes that are part of cultural learning systems. The article analyzes how they work, the stages in which it develops and how they generate behaviors. To establish it, it was necessary to start a dialogue in three disciplines: cultural studies, neuropsychology and affective studies. These cultural learning processes occur especially in social engineering projects although they may arise independently.
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