Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

The narrowness of the world as a contemporary technological phenomenon
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Technology; philosophy; virtuality; body; world; Anders; Virilio; Ihde.
Tecnología; filosofía; virtualidad; cuerpo; mundo; Anders; Virilio; Ihde.

How to Cite

Pérez Olvera, R. (2019). The narrowness of the world as a contemporary technological phenomenon. Revista Estudios, (38), 312–326.


The purpose of these reflections is to perform an analysis of the role of the body in our current time, under the assumption that the body is resignified approach the issue from the technological perspective, what implications has the virtualization to which all the contemporary technological apparatus tends in corporeity? The relevance of approaching the subject from a technological approach is that it is precisely this aspect that mediates between the (human) body and the world. Nowadays this issue has become relevant because intuitively we could think that technology not only conflicts with the body but annuls it, the purpose of these lines is to combat this notion of the technical as alien to the human. To fully understand these approaches we will help three philosophers who problematized the technique, namely, Günther Anders, Paul Virilio and Don Ihde.
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Anders, Günther. (2011) La obsolescencia del hombre. Valencia: Pre-textos.

Ihde, Don. (2004) Los cuerpos en la tecnología. Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

Virilio, Paul. (2011) El cibermundo, la política de lo peor. Madrid: Catedra.

Valéry, Paul. (1972) El señor Teste. (Traductor Salvador Elizondo) México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.



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