The starting point for this paper is an event which happened on July 27, 1947 in Buenos Aires, the Poetry Festival. Within this festival, the Recital de Poesía al servicio de la verdad took place. Several exiled Spanish and Hispano-american poets who supported the republican cause and the antifascist fight took part in it. Among them, there was León Felipe, whose work and biographical trajectory are undoubtedly less known than other participants' – like Rafael Alberti or Pablo Neruda. For this reason, I examine here some aspects of his poetics, aiming at identifying recurrent images and topics. Taking as reference one of his main works, Ganarás la luz (1943), I approach the deep relationship between poetry and biography, the image of wind and the process of permanent rewriting.
Alberti, R. (1976, mayo 4). A León Felipe, en su homenaje. El País. Recuperado de https://elpais.com/diario/1976/05/04/opinion/200008802_850215.html
Felipe, L. (2006). Ganarás la luz. Madrid: Catedra.
Felipe, L. (1947). El poeta maldito. Clinamen, 2(mayo-junio), pp. 11-14.
Frau, J. (2002). La teoría literaria de León Felipe. Sevilla: Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla.
Llopis, E. (2013). Rafael Alberti: la deriva de un marinero en tierra argentina (1940-1963). Buenos Aires: Ediciones de Aquí a la vuelta y CCC.
Rein, R. (1990). El Pacto Perón-Franco: justificación ideológica y nacionalismo en Argentina. Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, 1(1). Recuperado de http://eial.tau.ac.il/index.php/eial/article/view/1313/1339
Rodríguez, E. M. (1947). “Tal vez se llame Jonás” (Glosas a León Felipe). En Marcha, 387, pp. 14-15.