Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Biological basis of intelligence and its influence on the construction of the categories of ideologization and historicization of Ignacio Ellacuría
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Latin American philosophy, Philosophy of liberation, Intelligence, Biology, Reality.
Ignacio Ellacuría, Filosofía latinoamericana, Filosofía de la liberación, Inteligencia, Biología, Realidad.

How to Cite

Carrera Umaña, R. (2020). Biological basis of intelligence and its influence on the construction of the categories of ideologization and historicization of Ignacio Ellacuría. Revista Estudios.


This study defends the thesis that the early though of Ignacio Ellacuría -which has a particular emphasis on developing the anthropological, metaphysical and epistemological theses of his teacher Xavier Zubiri-, is the basis for understanding fundamental elements of his philosophical thinking related to a liberating project. To that purpose, it deepens his vision around the biological fundamentals of intelligence, and then shows its implications in main ideas of his mature thinking, such as deideologization and historization.
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