Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Ignacio Ellacuría's historical reality as metaphysics: a proposal
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historical reality; Ignacio Ellacuría; metaphysics; Xavier Zubiri; historical posibilities; philosophy
realidad histórica; Ignacio Ellacuría; metafísica; Xavier Zubiri; posibilidades históricas; filosofía

How to Cite

Brito de Butter, M. L. (2020). Ignacio Ellacuría’s historical reality as metaphysics: a proposal. Revista Estudios.


This research intends to present some key elements in the constitution of Ignacio Ellacuría’s philosophical system, specifically, the concept of historical reality as the object of his philosophy. This analysis reveals three moments considered as fundamental in order to comprehend the central role of the concept of historical reality and presents why a metaphysical interpretation of Ellacuría’s work is the basis to understand his whole project: his philosophical problem, that is the idea of philosophy as metaphysics, and the historical reality deployed in its physical and transcendental dimensions. For Ellacuría, without a rigorous analysis of the structures that configure historic reality, it is impossible to realize the dynamisms that, by themselves, configure the historical realm, since this dimension is the most open and rich because of historical praxis of liberation.
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