Abstract: Aulas de Escucha is a program of communitarian mental health approach for students of seventh grade consider with psychosocial risk of some of the most vulnerable public high schools of the Ministry of Public Education. The purpose of this essay is to present the model’s methodology and the main impact discovered in the adolescents since it’s implementation in 2018. Aulas de Escucha stand’s as a completely new space developed inside the school, that through three axis: clinical (psychological), creative and educative, that offers teenagers listening and containment, and hability of development of artistic, sports and academic skills as a possibility to process their suffering. Teachers incharge of their students participate all together in a process of constant reflexion of the violence and its associated phenomenons. One of the main approaches of the program, is to identify and accompany students in risk of school exclusion with the goal of maintaining its permanence in the education system.
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