Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Characterization of the Adaptation Processes in the Children's Centers of the University of Costa Rica, an example in the framework of the construction of new citizenships.
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Initial education; childhood; families; adaptation processes; citizenship; rights; child welfare.
Educación inicial; niñez; familias; procesos de adaptación; ciudadanías; bienestar infantil.

How to Cite

Vindas González, A., Briceño Mendoza, C., Mc Quiddy Padilla, E., Watson Soto, H., Garro Sancho, M., Mairena Rodríguez, N., & Hidalgo Arias, S. (2020). Characterization of the Adaptation Processes in the Children’s Centers of the University of Costa Rica, an example in the framework of the construction of new citizenships. Revista Estudios, (41), 378–403.


Abstract: The University Children's Centers of the University of Costa Rica (CIUS), are projects of the Vice-Rectory for Social Action, and make up the “Institutional Program of Comprehensive University Care for girls and boys under six years that articulates the actions of five centers from a Interdisciplinary Council whose objective is to reflect and activate a comprehensive attention to children who attend with a rights approach. The present work is a product of the experience developed for more than 40 years in the care of children under six years old, in relation to the processes of adaptation of minors and their families; which presents similarities and differences that precisely allow it to be an example, of the way in which the CIUS from the exercise of rights, contributes to the development of new citizenships.
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