Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Validation of an instrument for collecting information on board games in the teaching of English as a foreign language
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Gamification; education; English; board games; oral skills.
Gamificación; educación; inglés; juegos de mesa; destrezas orales.


: In Spain, the very relevant command of English has been a pending issue, so it is currently a crucial element in the education of young people, and in the process of expansion, with more and more bilingual centers and weight in the plans educational. The purpose of this research is the validation of an information collection instrument that allows to collect the perception of students about the use of gamified activities in the English classroom and its effects on those factors that influence the improvement of oral skills in the foreign language. Specifically, the result obtained is a valid and reliable questionnaire, validated by a committee of experts, which makes it possible to assess whether the use of board games as a gamification tool contributes to enhancing communication skills related to oral interaction in English.
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