Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Ethics for an uncertain life: searching to be heard through advance directives in the COVID-19 context
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Ethics; moral development; health; death; Disadvantaged groups.
Ética; desarrollo moral; salud; muerte; grupo vulnerable.

How to Cite

Jiménez Retana, R., & Morera Quesada, G. (2022). Ethics for an uncertain life: searching to be heard through advance directives in the COVID-19 context. Revista Estudios, 280–302.


This article proposes a reflection on advance directives, from the context of the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus. This work manifests the importance and right of personal choice, when in situations when either death is imminent, a probability, or perhaps even not at all. In this way, the concept of a living will will be examined from the point of view of three different philosophical concepts: the ethics of an uncertain life, the construction of an independent individual, and the construction of moral habits of the individual. Reflection on these aspects serves as a resource not only to resolve this projected journey, but also to help describe the favored conditions to carry out one’s living will intentions. This article also explores the roles played by close people in the advance directive process, particularly with their trust, presence, commitment, and honesty. Advance directives not only impact those who propose them, but also those who apply the directives; without understanding their function and ethical underpinnings, those who apply them can be affected profoundly.
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