Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Self-awareness and Corporality: A Path of Awareness and Appropriation of the Body as an Expressive Tool in Interpretation
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body; appropriation; expressive segments; acting
cuerpo; apropiación; segmentos expresivos; interpretación


This article shares a teaching experience in the teaching of corporal expression in the framework of virtuality. The methodological proposal and the exposed exercises reflect the imprint from which we had to rethink objectives and contents in body work from technological mediation and remote presence, which suggests a paradigm shift for teaching and learning processes from the University of Costa Rica. The proposal exposes a journey towards the appropriation of the body as an expressive tool for students of the third semester of the Dramatic Arts career, while also reflecting on the implications of the absence of the body-present in the teaching-learning processes.
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