Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

"Daggers of Zenith Piercing Merciless on the Skin": Body and Avant-garde in the Repertorio Americano
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body; Latin American literatura; vanguards; Repertorio Americano; Joaquín García Monge.
cuerpo; literatura latinoamericana; vanguardias; Repertorio Americano; Joaquín García Monge.


The body does not constitute a central topic in the theorization of literary avant-gardes. Nevertheless, it is a topic that appears with certain frequency within the avant-garde canon. In virtue of the aesthetic heterogeneity and plurality belonging to both the European and Latin American isms, it is not possible, however, to talk about an avant-garde body instead of the different paths and avant-garde searches when approaching the somatic. Nevertheless, in this article we will take care of profiling some of the general characteristics of the avant-garde approaches of the bodily. Specifically, we will refer to the way in which the body is presented in some of the literary movements of the Latin American avant-garde. Finally, we will examine the avant-garde influence in the "Repertorio Americano". In essence, we will pay special attention to the way that certain Costa Rican authors who published in the magazine directed by García Monge replicated the ways in which the literary avant-garde, both Latin American and European, approached the topic of the body.
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