Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

The new world order and globalization Beginning, Rise, and Decline of the American Empire (1918-2001)
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New international economic order; globalization; geopolitics; law; liberal economy; culture; mass media.
Nuevo orden económico internacional; globalización; geopolítica; derecho; economía liberal; cultura; medios de comunicación de masas.

How to Cite

Soto Espinoza, R. A. (2022). The new world order and globalization Beginning, Rise, and Decline of the American Empire (1918-2001). Revista Estudios, (45).


The present work deals with the new international economic order (NIEO) and establishes a connection with neoliberal capitalist globalization led predominantly by the United States of America from 1918 to 2001 by interpreting the NIEO as another of its forms. To do this, a text by Noam Chomsky is used as a heuristic excuse, from which five fundamental and founding issues are highlighted for the understanding of said phenomenon. For the author, the geo-hegemonic achievement is not possible without discourse in the domain of politics, economy, law, and reinforcement from culture through the mass media. These five elements will constitute each of the five sections of the document.
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