Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Electric-Power Industry Nationalization Discourses in Costa Rica (1928-1930)


History of infrastructures; Costa Rica; Electric Industry; 20th century.
Historia de las infraestructuras; Costa Rica; Industria eléctrica; siglo XX

How to Cite

Villegas Arce, P. (2023). Electric-Power Industry Nationalization Discourses in Costa Rica (1928-1930). Revista Estudios.


In 1928, the US capital company Electric Bond and Share absorbed three of the most solid companies in the electrical industry in Costa Rica, operating as a Holding Company and monopolizing the shares and concessions over the country's water resources. This situation opened up a space for debate on the political scene about the need to nationalize this growing economic sector. The main interest of the current research is to identify the speeches used in defense of nationalization of the electric-power industry using articles printed in the national press of the period to analyze the way in which the importance of the nationalization was arised as well as the administrative model that it should adopt according to its defenders.


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